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Vue VSCode Snippets



vbase Single file component base with SCSS
vbase-3 Single File component Composition API with SCSS
vbase-3-setup Single File component setup Composition API with SCSS
vbase-3-reactive Single File component Composition API with Reactive and SCSS
vbase-css Single file component base with CSS
vbase-pcss Single file component base with PostCSS
vbase-styl Single file component base with Stylus
vbase-ts Single file component base with Typescript
vbase-ts-class Single file component base with Typescript Class Format
vbase-3-ts Single File component Composition API with Typescript
vbase-3-ts-setup Single File component setup Composition API with Typescript
vbase-ns Single file component with no styles
vbase-sass Single file component base with SASS
vbase-less Single file component base with LESS



vfor v-for directive
vmodel Semantic v-model directive
vmodel-num Semantic v-model number directive
von v-on click handler with arguments
vslot-named Named slot
vel-props Component element with props
vsrc Image src binding
vstyle Inline style binding
vstyle-obj Inline style binding with objects
vclass Class binding
vclass-obj Class binding with objects
vclass-obj-mult Multiple conditional class bindings
vanim Transition component with JS hooks
vnuxtl Nuxt Routing Link
vroutename router-link Named Routing
vroutenameparam router-link Named with Parameters
vroutepath router-link Path Routing Link
vemit-child Emit event from child component
vemit-parent Emit event to parent component



vdata Component data as a function
vmethod Vue method
vcomputed Vue computed property
vwatcher Vue watcher with new and old value args
vbeforecreate beforeCreate lifecycle method
vcreated created lifecycle method
vbeforemount beforeMount lifecycle method
vmounted vmounted lifecycle method
vbeforeupdate beforeUpdate lifecycle method
vupdated updated lifecycle method
vbeforedestroy beforeDestroy lifecycle method
vdestroyed destroyed lifecycle method
vprops Props with type and default
vimport Import one component into another
vimport-dynamic Import one component that should be lazy loaded by webpack
vcomponents Import one component into another within the export statement
vimport-export Import one component into another and use it within the export statement
vmapstate import mapState from Vuex into vue component component
vmapgetters import mapGetters from Vuex into vue component component
vmapmutations import mapMutations from Vuex into vue component component
vmapactions import mapActions from Vuex into vue component component
vfilter Vue filter
vmixin Create a Vue Mixin
vmixin-use Bring a mixin into a component to use
vc-direct Vue create a custom directive
vimport-lib Import a library
vimport-gsap Import GreenSock
vanimhook-js Using the Transition component JS hooks in methods
vcommit Commit to Vuex store in methods for mutation
vdispatch Dispatch to Vuex store in methods for action
vtest A simple unit testing component

Vue Composition API


v3reactive Vue Composition API - reactive
v3reactive-setup Vue Composition API - reactive with setup boilerplate
v3computed Vue Composition API - computed
v3watch Vue Composition API - watcher single source
v3watch-array Vue Composition API - watch as array
v3watcheffect Vue Composition API - watchEffect
v3ref Vue Ref
v3onmounted Lifecycle hook - onMounted
v3onbeforemount Lifecycle hook - onBeforeMount
v3onbeforeupdate Lifecycle hook - onBeforeUpdate
v3onupdated Lifecycle hook - onUpdated
v3onerrorcaptured Lifecycle hook - onErrorCaptured
v3onunmounted Lifecycle hook - (destroyed) onUnmounted
v3onbeforeunmount Lifecycle hook - (beforeDestroy) onBeforeUnmount
v3useinoptions Use Composition API in Options API



vstore Base for Vuex store.js
vgetter Vuex Getter
vmutation Vuex Mutation
vaction Vuex Action
vmodule Vuex Module
vstore-import Import vuex store into main.js
vstore2 Updated Base for Vuex store

Vue Router


vrouter Vue Router base
vscrollbehavior Vue Router scrollBehavior
vbeforeeach Vue Router global guards beforeEach
vbeforeresolve Vue Router global guards beforeResolve
vaftereach Vue Router global guards afterEach
vbeforeenter Vue Router per-route guard beforeEnter
vbeforerouteenter Vue Router component guards beforeRouteEnter
vbeforerouteupdate Vue Router component guards beforeRouteUpdate
vbeforerouteleave Vue Router component guards beforeRouteLeave

Vue Config


vplugin Import a plugin to main.js or plugins file
vconfig vue.config.js file, example imports a sass file into every component

Nuxt Config


nfont link to include fonts in a nuxt project, in nuxt-config
ncss link to css assets such as normalize

Nuxt Page


nasyncdata Nuxt asyncData
nasyncdataaxios Nuxt asyncData with Axios module
nfetch Nuxt Fetch
nfetchaxios Nuxt Fetch with Axios module
nhead Nuxt Head
nparam Nuxt Route Params

Extra (plaintext)


gitignore .gitignore file presets